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Dog Pooping On Carpet: 9 Reasons + 3 Tips To Stop ASAP

Dog Pooping On Carpet

You’re already tired from cleaning the carpet regularly.

And you just don’t know when this will stop.

Your pooch might be potty trained, but they keep pooping there.

Doesn’t matter that you take them outside to go potty…

The accidents inside your home continue.

Keeping your canine off the carpet might’ve worked…

But always keeping an eye on your pooch can be time-consuming, too.

Could they be doing it on purpose?

Continue reading to find out:

  • 11 reasons why your dog is pooping on your carpet.
  • Why being hyperactive and getting excited can make them go potty on rugs.
  • Whether or not dogs can distinguish carpets from grass and potty pads.
  • And this is just the beginning…

Why is my dog pooping on the carpet?

Your dog is pooping on the carpet because they are scared or have medical issues. Scent marking can be another cause of your dog having accidents. Getting distracted and forgetting to poop outside can be another reason for this. Senior dogs also tend to forget their potty training.

11 reasons why your dog poops on the carpet (all of a sudden)

#1: Something scared them outside

Fear is a strong emotion that can drive dogs to act strangely. Some canines even bark at their fur parents all of a sudden.

And this feeling of fear can affect their potty behaviors, too. It can alter their routine. As a result, they’ll go poop somewhere they were not supposed to.

This scenario will be more likely if you live on a busy street. People and other dogs can be the cause of why they get scared to go outside.

If you also have a thicket near your location, animals can visit your place and startle your pooch. This will leave a scar on your fur baby’s mind, which will make them stay inside.

Examples of these animals would be:

  • Frogs.
  • Rodents.
  • Squirrels.
  • Opossums.

Some neighborhoods even have people who intentionally hurt animals. They’d throw stones or hit them with sticks if they saw one.

It’s unfortunate, saddening, and angering, but it’s the reality in some living areas.

According to a paper, PTSD affects dogs just like how it affects humans. In the case of pooches, it’s called canine post-traumatic stress disorder or C-PTSD.

Here are a few signs that your dog is emotionally scarred based on WebMD:

  • Howling.
  • Barking.
  • Whining.
  • Destroying things.
  • Sudden aggression.
  • Going potty inside the house.
  • Being hyper-aware of their environment.

And because they are hesitant to go potty on your lawn/backyard, they just do it on your carpet. It’s a safer space for them and hides them from those that scare them outside.

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#2: You have an aging dog

Aging Dog Poops On Carpet

Seeing your pooch grow old can bring happiness and maybe a little bit of sadness, too. I mean, it’s a sign that you’re a good fur parent, right?

It shows that you’ve been there for them throughout their life. And have been building a loving and caring relationship with them.

You may even have unforgettable memories with your pooch that may no longer happen again. After all, their bodies are starting to slow down, and they lose their energy.

And with age also comes health issues with their bodies.

One of the things that would start to decline in your pooch is their muscles. Have you seen what Arnold Schwarzennegger looked like before vs. now?

Your dog may not have lifted barbells as heavy as he did, but they have a similarity: their bodies weaken. And this can affect your furry friend’s pooping.

As you know, their pooping is controlled mainly by muscles. Particularly their anal sphincters.

This part of their body is made up of internal and external muscles. According to Dr. Barnette, if even one of these fails, it can disrupt the whole anal sphincter.

This will cause the loss of your dog’s ability to control their poop. It’s also called bowel incontinence.

There are cases where canines just drop their poop without them even noticing it. This might be the reason why your dog has accidents on your carpet.

Their aging bodies can no longer hold poop properly. And just discards them wherever possible.

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#3: They experience overstimulation when they’re outside

Have you ever seen an overly excited fur baby? Or maybe your pooch is one?

If you answered yes, you’re very much familiar with how they act when they’re outside. Canines like these go crazy when they interact with things in the environment.

Look at this fur baby who just zooms and jumps onto a pile of leaves:

They can also sniff around, roll on things, and bark at strangers and other dogs. And not the kind of bark that’s caused by aggression, just genuine happiness, and excitement.

When this happens, it can easily distract your pooch from what they’re about to do. And this hyperactivity can be caused by ADHD in dogs.

“Canines have ADHD, too?”

Yes, they do. And just like in humans, it can manifest as hyperactivity. Also, the lack of ability to focus, according to research.

Vetericyn lists the symptoms of ADHD in dogs as follows:

  • Difficult training.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Excessive energy.
  • Easily getting distracted.
  • Quickly becoming aggressive.
  • Fidgeting and lots of movements.
  • Inability to socialize well with other canines.

One effect of having this condition in dogs is that they sometimes forget to poop. Especially if their potty spot is located outside.

Once they’re out, they immediately prioritize exploring. And oftentimes neglect their potty time. 

It can even get more stressful if they are on a leash since they have the tendency to pull you around.

Now, because they didn’t poop during their time, they then immediately go once inside. You’ll see this and think that they might’ve been holding it in for a long time.

And no, this isn’t them trying to piss you off – they just can’t control it anymore.

#4: They were alone at home for too long

As much as most fur parents love to be with their dogs, we really can’t escape emergencies. And when these happen, we sometimes leave our fur babies at home alone.

There’s nothing wrong with this as long as your baby is safe and has food and water inside. Problems arise when your dog is left alone in your home for too long.

Especially if they don’t have anyone with them like a dogsitter. Or at the very least a kind neighbor who can look out for them regularly.

You might be called in for work at the office and have to leave your pooch. Or maybe you have a personal emergency that needs your attention.

When this happens, there are times when your pooch might poop on your carpet. It’s kinda obvious, really… if they don’t have access outside, they’ll go potty indoors.

And if your dog also stays mostly near your carpet, chances are, they’ll poop there too. Where else can they go?

That’s why it’s beneficial for both you and your baby if you’re prepared for times like these. Here are a few things you can arrange ahead of time:

  1. Food and toys. Or, if you have one, you can use a plaything that dispenses treats. This way, your pooch will still have fun and will be distracted from your absence.
  2. Keep a bowl filled with fresh water on standby.
  3. Create a sealed-off space where your pooch is allowed to go. This is important if you don’t want them to go outside.
  4. Put potty pads in places where your fur baby can walk around. Should they poop inside, these will be easier to clean as compared to carpets.

You might also be interested in: 13 Dog Breeds That Can Be Left Alone For 8 Hours + 9 Tips

#5: Your carpet feels a lot like potty pads

Did you train your dog initially to poop on potty pads? And did you first do it indoors?

If so, then this could be the reason why your pooch poops in your carpet. Dogs, especially young ones, love to pee on rugs, and eventually, they might poop in them, too.

The AKC says that the reason why your baby potties on the carpet are because it’s absorbent. Canines love to pee and poop on anything that soaks up their liquids and bowels.

That’s why it’s also easy to train them to relieve themselves on grass. If your pooch is still young, they might not know that the carpet is not a pooping spot.

And you need to train them first before you can relax and put the rugs back on.

“Did I hear that right? I should remove the carpet for now?”

If you don’t want to seal them off to a location without rugs, then yes, you might need to. This is a suggestion by the AKC since your dog might be too young to control their eliminations.

If you do wanna keep their access to the carpeted parts of your home open, then be vigilant. Be on the lookout for signs that your dog is about to poop.

Here are a few examples, according to Adrienne Farricelli:

Sudden change in their behavior.

  • Going in circles.
  • Scratching the door.
  • Whining excessively.
  • Grooming their bums.
  • Going to a spot where they previously pooped.

Check out next: 15 Weird Reasons Why Dogs Scoot Their Butt On The Floor

They Have A Tummy Related Problem

Did you see an erratic change in your pooch’s potty behavior? Or maybe you noticed that they just suddenly forgot all their poop training?

If so, then you might have to check their health. Particularly the situation of their tummy.

They might not be able to control their poop and would just go wherever they are.

In some cases, nature wildly calls them in the middle of your beloved carpet. And whoosh… off goes the smell that would make Voldemort cover his non-existing nose.

The scent of poop really can ruin your day, right?

“Yeah… tell me about it… so what specific health problems is my dog having?”

One probable reason is diarrhea.

Here are a few causes of why your dog has this:

  • Stress.
  • Food allergy.
  • Ingesting spoiled food.
  • Eating poisonous plants.
  • Abrupt change in their meals.
  • Getting infected with common viruses such as:
    • Distemper.
    • Parvovirus.
    • Coronavirus.
  • Their tummy cannot tolerate certain types of food.
  • They ate garbage. Vets call this garbage toxicosis.

If you suspect that your pooch has diarrhea, you might wanna check their stool. Note the following characteristics of their poop:

  • Size.
  • Color.
  • Shape.
  • Content.
  • Consistency.

If there are abrupt changes in these, then a visit to the vet should be considered.

Quick tips on what might be going on with your pooch based on their poop’s color:

Tip #1: If it has white spots, then it could be a sign that your dog has intestinal worms.

Tip #2: Having a reddish stool could indicate blood coming from their anus.

Tip #3: Eating too much grass can cause their poop to turn green. This color may also indicate a gallbladder problem.

#7: They can still smell their poop on the carpet

As you already know, dogs have excellent senses of smell. Their noses are very sensitive and can detect even the slightest of scents.

I mean, there’s a reason why they use their noses as their primary organ to explore. And it’s because to them, scents tell them a lot about their surroundings.

You’ve seen this in airports and in crowded places. There are authorities and government agencies that put canines to work. 

Their task is to detect bombs and drugs.

The AKC estimates that a dog’s nose is at least 100,000 times better than a human’s. This explains why your pooch will run across your house if you open chips in your room.

Imagine if we have a dog’s nose. 

Ooohhh… I can already think of all the McDonald’s fries I’ll be smelling. Cravings to the sky!

Now, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with them pooping on my carpet?”

I talked about it because dogs tend to go and poop wherever they smell their stool. Especially if they have been going to that place for quite a while now.

According to experts, dogs are creatures of routine. And if they think that your carpet is a pooping spot, they’ll do it regularly.

This is also the reason why dogs will nudge things, including your hand, when it’s feeding time. To kinda remind you that their internal clock is already saying, “Let’s eat now.”

That’s why it’s important that when you clean your carpet, you need to be mindful of the smell.

#8: They got punished for pooping outside

This is similar to #1. A reason why a dog is pooping on carpets is that they got punished.

It could be that the scolding scared them and traumatized them. To the point that they no longer want to go out.

If you think this is your pooch’s situation, then you have to check if they got punished. It could be by a partner, a family member, or it could even be you.

“Me? No, I don’t whip my dogs.”

Maybe not, but screaming, stomping, and running towards your pooch can still scare them. These are still forms of punishment to some dogs and will cause them to stay inside.

Now look, I don’t blame you. When you do see your dog pooping somewhere they shouldn’t, it’s a normal reaction.

But if you are one of those who use dominance and force to “train” your dog, I have bad news. This technique isn’t the best in making your dog learn certain behaviors.

And this includes their potty training.

“Oh no… really?”

Yes, really. Sorry to talk about this head-on, but I’m here to help you and your dogs.

According to VCA, using positive reinforcement is the best way to train your pooch. And while you’re doing this, you also need to stop punishing them.

This way, your relationship with your dog will be built on love and care. And when you have this, signs of trust like sleeping beside you will show in your dog.

Further reading: 15 Reasons Why Dogs Are Suddenly Scared Of Everything

#9: They didn’t have proper potty training

There’s a reason why Michael Jordan is considered to be the greatest of all time or G.O.A.T. 

Even those who are not basketball fans are familiar with him.

All of his success can be attributed to his work ethic and how he grinds during training. To quote from the man himself, “Nobody will ever work as hard as I work.”

Your dog can’t beat MJ in a one-on-one, but you can copy his habits. And by this, I mean, helping your dog excel in potty training by using correct methods.

Your pooch already has the tools to learn good pooping behavior. They are very smart.

Stanley Coren estimates a dog’s intelligence to be similar to a 2 ½-year-old’s IQ. That’s impressive.

Research also suggests that dogs can understand human words. I hope fur parents worldwide would use this intelligence. If they do, there will be cleaner carpets.

How to stop your dog from pooping on the carpet? 3 tips

#1: Use playpens and fences

If you still have space inside your home, put up playpens and fences. This is one of the quickest ways you can stop your pooch from pooping on your carpet.

Here are top-reviewed pens and fences from Amazon:

Since you can’t watch them all day long, you can try sealing their access off to the rugs. Waiting and anticipating when they’re going to poop is a bit time-consuming.

This will be a hassle for fur parents who have a busy and loaded schedule. If you can, put potty pads within their playpen.

Through this, your clean-up job if they poop will be quicker and easier.

#2: Repeat their potty training

Sometimes, dogs need a refresher for their potty training. One reason is that they may forget once they grow old.

This is especially true for dogs who trained way too young.

Here are a few easy steps in training your pooch on how to potty:

  1. Help your dog in creating a routine. As mentioned earlier, they like having a schedule. This is because they’re creatures of routine. Create a time for when they should sleep, exercise, eat, and poop/pee.
  2. After taking their meals, bring them outside. Since usually, after eating, dogs poop.
  3. Whenever you go out, put them on a leash. Pick out an area where they should go to relieve themselves.
  4. Choose vocal cues that you’ll mention once you want them to poop. Here are some you might wanna use:
    1. “Go poop.”
    2. “Pee now.”
    3. “Go potty.”
  5. Be ready with treats. These are going to be your reward for them after they poop in the designated spot.
  6. Continue doing this after every meal until you see them doing it on their own.

#3: Distract them with high-value treats

Another method you can use is diverting their attention to their favorite treats. Or you can use ones that are smelly and tasty for your pooch.

These foods are called high-value treats. Examples of these are:

If you can, make them walk towards you. Hype up the treat so they’ll get intrigued.

Once they do, bring them outside so they can poop in their designated area. Once they do, give them the treat.

How to get dog poop smell out of carpet?

Before cleaning out the area where your pooch pooped, you need to check their stool. Make sure that it doesn’t have any signs that indicate tummy problems in your pooch.

Another thing you need to check is the consistency of your dog’s poop. It’s much harder to clean a wet dog poop

Here are simple steps you can take to do this:

Wet poop

Step 1: Remove most of the poop that you see. Use a scraper for this so you can scoop it out better. Since carpet is an absorbent material, you’ll need to be more careful. Otherwise, you might spread it.

Step 2: Once done, leave it to dry for one night. This is to make the poop easier to scrape. You can opt to use a fan to create an airflow in your house. This way, the smell will be lessened.

Step 3: The next day, clean the dried-out poop by scraping it out.

Step 4: Then, mix the following in a container:

Dishwashing soap – 2-3 drops

White vinegar – 3 oz. (88.7 ml.)

Water – 16 oz. (473 ml.)

Step 5: Put the liquid mixture for 3 minutes on the spot where your pooch pooped.

Step 6: Using a thick folded towel, dry off the remaining liquid. Make sure to use an absorbent one.

Step 7: Continue putting the mixture until the stain and the smell clears up.

Dry poop

Step 1: Using a glove, pick the poop up and place it in a sealable bag. If you don’t have one, any plastic bag will do.

Step 2: Create a mixture of 50% water and 50% vinegar. Use as much liquid as needed.

Step 3: Brush the poop spot using the liquid mix.

Step 4: After drying the spot out, put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. However, be careful not to put too much so your carpet won’t discolor.