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Top 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Sits So Close To You (2023)

Why Does My Dog Sit So Close To Me

“Uhm, excuse me, darling.

Can I have some space, please?”

Ever wonder why sometimes your dog sits so close to you?

Does your fur friend need something?

Why are dogs behaving this way?

Keep on reading to discover:

  • 5 tips on how to handle their unusual behaviors.
  • The truth about why dogs want to sit so close to you.
  • Ways to know if your dog is comfortable being around you.
  • And many more…

Why does my dog sit so close to me?

Your dog sits so close to you because they are recognizing you as a member of the family. It’s a symbol of affection, intimacy, and connection. Your fur friend feels secure to be with you. They feel soothed by your presence. They also want to protect you from danger.

Top 10 why your dog sits so close to you

#1: Your dog is just clingy by nature

“Hey, Mom. Do you know my favorite place? … it’s right by your side.”

Dogs are known to be devoted buddies. But some take it to a whole new level. As they appear extra clingy.

Such canines never fail to keep on monitoring your step at all times. There’s even a term for pooches who act this way. It’s ‘velcro dogs’.

Is your dog like this?

Here are the signs to determine whether you have a velcro dog:

Your canine is most likely a velcro dog if they always seek to be near and spend time with you, their adorable humans.

If you’re searching for the most affectionate dog breeds, here are some of the choices:

  • Pug.
  • Maltese.
  • Border Collie.
  • Golden Retriever.
  • Hungarian Vizsla.
  • German Shepherd.
  • Labrador Retriever.
  • Doberman Pinscher.

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#2: Your dog lacks attention and affection

“When are you taking me for a walk, human?” 

Are you spending enough time with your dog?

Dogs who crave attention aren’t unusual. Dog parents know how creative attention-craving canines can get… It’s part of what makes our pooches so cute and irresistible!

Canines are social animals who need social interaction. It will make them healthier and happier. 

Dogs would feel sad if they’re not getting enough play during the day.

Try to engage in one-on-one play sessions with your fur friend. Add these into your everyday routine. And make it a habit for your ease. Plus, for your dog’s.

Also, make sure that your dog gets enough exercise. 

Fact: All dogs need at least 20 to 30 minutes of daily walking. Larger and more active dogs may need up to 2 hours.

Read next: Why does my dog lick me in the morning?

#3: Your dog is being protective

“Hey, hooman. You are mine!”

Canines prefer to be near their humans. They disseminate their scent. It is to establish their territory. They claim you as their own.

But before we move on, let’s make something clear.

Your dog isn’t trying to assert dominance over you. They are looking out for your best interests. 

Dogs want to defend you. They want to warn other dogs to stay away. They want to feel confident about their role in your life. 


It is by defending humans from all risks.

This protective nature might be useful at times. But, it can also keep humans from being able to become close to other people. 

That’s why you should curb your dog’s behavior if it’s overprotective. Dogs should be taught to balance and control their territorial instincts. 

This is to prevent them from becoming violent. Or worse, bite someone.

Here are some training approaches you do with your dog:

  • Stay consistent.
  • Don’t punish your dog.
  • Reward with praises and treats.
  • Communicate calmly and effectively.

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#4: Your dog doesn’t want you to leave

Dog Sits So Close To You So You Won't Leave

Separation anxiety in dogs is a symptom of underlying issues recent research reveals.

Here’s what happens:

A dog becomes worried as the owner prepares to leave the house. They’re completely terrified. They believe you’ll never return. 

A sudden shift can also trigger when the dogs were alone for a long time and find it traumatic.

Keep in mind that your dog’s actions are a result of panicking. It happens when they’re apart from their devoted humans. All they want is for you to return home.

Here are some effective ways you can do to handle your dog’s separation anxiety:

  • Keep your dog busy by giving them treats or toys before you leave.
  • Always talk with a calm voice to your dog whenever leaving and returning home.
  • Training your dog to stay alone for short intervals first. Then gradually expandiong them. 

Check out this article: 17 Reasons Why Your Dog Is So Clingy All Of Sudden + 7 Tips

#5: Your dog might be sick

It is also possible that your dog is ill, which would explain this unusual behavior. It can be accompanied by a variety of extra signs.

What makes a dog want to sit close to you when they’re sick?

They feel something’s off. Naturally, they get worried. And your presence soothes their anxiety. Because they feel safe with you.

Here are some unusual signs that your fur best friend may be ill:

  • Drooling.
  • Stiffness.
  • Coughing.
  • Sneezing.
  • Dry or red eyes.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Dry and itchy skin.
  • Lack of activity interest.

Note: In the case of a dog who is overly attached to its owner and panting excessively is worrisome. Seek veterinary help if you notice any sudden changes in your dog’s behavior.

#6: Your dog feels safe in your presence

Nobody should ever underestimate a dog-owner bond. The precious relationship comes from reciprocal affection. It goes with appreciation. It is built by trust.

Dogs’ safe haven is being close to their humans. They enjoy being near you. It helps them feel comfortable and secure.

Based on a study, dogs and humans provide social support for each other in stressful situations.

Does your dog feel frightened? 

Here are some signs to help you recognize if your dog is scared:

  • Pacing.
  • Panting.
  • Cringing.
  • Ears drop.
  • Hides away.
  • Running from something.
  • Avoidance of eye contact.
  • Tail tucked between their legs.
  • Raised hair on the back of the neck.

Don’t hesitate to provide them with as much comfort they need. 

One of the best ways to relax your dog is to be calm. Dogs are aware of our nervousness. If you’re anxious, your dog may be feeling the same. 

Note: Check if your dog displays significant signs of nervousness or fear. If so, take them to the vet.

#7: Your dog’s just bored

“What else can I do, dad? I’m bored.”

O.K. Your dog can’t tell you that. But they’ll show you. You just have to be able to interpret their actions.

But how?

Here are some of our dogs’ ways of telling they’re bored:

  • Biting.
  • Digging.
  • Barking.
  • Whining.
  • Jumping.
  • Tail chasing.
  • Excessive licking.
  • Destructive behavior.
  • Sitting very close to you in anticipation.

A new study sheds light on why dogs seek human interaction so much. Scientists reveal it has to do with the dog’s genetics. Particularly with the canine’s variations in oxytocin sensitivity.

When dogs don’t get enough play, they behave crazily. It’s just their way of telling you they need more activities in their life.

Here are some of the suggested activities that prevent boredom in dogs:

  • Dog park visits.
  • Frequent walks.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Playing mental games.

#8: Your dog wants to notify you of health problems

It is an unquestionable fact that dogs have superior senses. It is truly amazing what they are capable of.

Canines can even save lives.

They have a sharp sense of smell. It is approximately one million times better than ours. 

This explains why many dogs can sense disease in their owners. According to research, certain dogs can detect a wide range of severe illnesses.

Did you know that some dogs can detect ketones on diabetic’s breath? 

When the blood sugar is low, dogs can warn humans if they’re going to have a seizure. These dogs frequently become therapy dogs, offering compassion to those in need.

Curious about which dog breeds are good at helping people with diabetes?

These are:

  • Poodle.
  • Labradoodle.
  • Golden Retriever.
  • Labrador Retriever.
  • Australian Shepherd.

#9: Your dog is comfortable with you

Your fur friend is admitting that you are a part of the family. They want to sit close to you to show their affection, intimacy, and connection.

Let’s face it. 

Humans spend most of their free time with their dogs, either exercising or cuddling. We converse with our fur friends as openly as we would with human friends. 

Here are other ways to know if your fur companion is comfortable with you:

  • Smiling at you.
  • Seeking affection.
  • Checking up on you.
  • Always glad to see you.
  • Feeling relaxed with you.
  • Making direct eye contact.
  • Responding to your commands.

#10: Of course, your dog just loves you so much!

“You are my favorite hooman.”

Last but definitely not least, the reason dogs want to sit close to you is because they are fond of you. Deciding to be anywhere just to be with you is a sign that they love and enjoy your company.

The following signs say if your dog feels safe whenever they are with you:

  • Snuggle with you.
  • Bring you his favorite toy.
  • Have their head on your lap.
  • Staring intensely into your eyes.
  • Detect when you are in need of comfort.
  • Show affection through their facial expressions.

5 tips on how to stop your dog from sitting so close to you

Whether you want to ensure you won’t step on your dog. Or you want your canine to gain more confidence, the below tips can help.

#1: Avoid spoiling your dog

Spoiling a dog may cause confusion, anxiety, and undesirable behavior.

Setting boundaries with your dog is important for a healthy relationship. You must take the initiative and decide when to recognize and reward good behavior.

Even if you don’t always talk to your dog or give him lots of attention and cuddles, it’s fine.

You are actually helping them in the long run.

You might want to consider some of these training techniques:

  • Reward good behavior with treats.
  • Give your pooch lots of praise when they learn and execute on a command.
  • Respond by standing up (if you’re sitting) and exiting thje room when they sit close to you.

These simple techniques will help you in the long run. As long as you’re consistent with training your dog. And don’t give in to those puppy eyes. 

#2: Teach your loyal companion that it is okay to be alone 

“When are you going, Mom? You can’t leave me.”

Assuring your fur friend that the world won’t end if they lose sight of you is critical. 

It’s better if you are able to reduce the tension of leaving home. 

Wondering how?

You can do it by making your dog less sensitive to certain acts. 

Behave calmly and quietly when you go in and out.

Dogs will be less stressed if you make your departure less dramatic. Acting overly emotional and engaging in baby talk prior to going out the door will cause your dog to stress. 

Your leaving will cause a traumatic experience for them. Because they’ll perceive it as a big deal. Instead, they should learn that it’s something normal. And nothing to worry about.

Take for example what some dog parents do. They encourage independent hobbies for their dogs. Such as giving them chew toys or canine puzzles. It would keep their dog occupied while you’re away.

#3: Get your dog to interact with other people

Dogs may be unsociable. They can also be too attached to only one person. Then it’s good to socialize them with other humans. 

This will teach your dog not to act afraid. So they stop and sit close to you in hope that you’ll protect them. And start having some fun instead.

But to do this properly, start with small steps. 

First, introduce your dog to one person at a time. If your canine doesn’t attempt to hide, give them treats. You can try it in a familiar environment in the beginning.  

This will help your dog loosen up. As there won’t be too many stimuli to overwhelm your pooch. 

But what if your dog is still too fearful? 

Remove them from the situation. And try again later. But with a greater distance between your helper and the dog. 

As soon as your doggo starts acting calmer, decrease the distance between your furry friend and the person. Later on, as your dog’s confidence grows, you can introduce them to other people.

#4: Do not encourage unwanted behavior

As previously mentioned, anxious dogs can do anything to get their humans’ attention. To fix this, don’t praise your dog for acting needy. 

If, for example, you walk out of the room and your canine begins to cry, don’t offer him comfort as a reward for his sadness. Rewarding unwanted behavior just reinforces it.

Also, next time your dog sits close to you, just ignore them. No petting. Or ear scratches. Just act as if your pooch isn’t there. 

Since dogs are very smart and highly adaptive, they’ll get the message.

#5: Seek help from a dog behavior specialist

Does your dog still sit close to you on any occasion? 

Does your dog still feel anxious when you leave the house? 

Then it’s time you consult a dog behaviorist.