You gave up your rights to a quiet morning when you got a puppy. Of course, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
But, oh, those peaceful moments having your morning ritual.
Whether it’s sipping on your tea. Writing in your journal. Or meditating.
They’re a distant memory of things never to be again. Or are they?
You can still reclaim some of that. But first, you need to…
Read on to learn:
- Why your dog is so energetic in the morning.
- Whether you’re unknowingly contributing to this.
- If they really do have ADHD according to science.
- 3 effective tips to help them calm down and behave.
- And much more…
Why is my dog hyper in the morning?
Your dog is hyper in the morning because they’re well-rested and excited to see you, especially if they have separation anxiety. They may also be on edge because they need to go potty. Breed, diet, hyperkinesis, and boredom could be contributing factors as well.
9 reasons why your dog is hyper in the morning
#1: They’re recharged
Battery life is a selling point for tech manufacturers. The longer a charge lasts, the more attractive the product.
But dogs put the longest-lasting batteries on the market to shame.
They never seem to run out of energy. They’re always at 100% every morning. And they don’t even go below 95% during the day. Or at least that’s what it feels like.
But they sleep at night anyway. They recharge.
You’ve also had such restful slumbers, I’m sure. You’ve woken up so reenergized, you felt like you could conquer the world. But instead, you scrolled through social media (been there, done that).
The same goes for your dog. The reenergized part, I mean. And this happens on a daily basis.
They wake up with a full charge. And you’ve got a lot on your hands.
But it could be worse if they have…
#2: Separation anxiety
You open your eyes. That’s your dog’s go signal to assault you with slobbery kisses.
Nights are long. And for a pup with separation anxiety, they can seem like a lifetime.
Some lucky dogs get to sleep with their owners. But others have a little bed of their own. Or perhaps a crate.
And it’s less pleasant if they’re in a different room. A little distance means a lot.
Then the sun finally rises.
“Time to greet Mom! She can’t start her day without me.”
They finally come bounding in to say good morning. The enthusiasm is more than if they had slept beside you.
But even if they did sleep beside you, they’re still very eager for pleasantries.
All those hours of darkness and separation. They’re finally broken in a reunion of cuddles and belly rubs. It’s definitely the best part of your dog’s day.
Unless they’re going to get a steak later on.
Read also: Top 10 Reasons Why Dogs Are So Affectionate In The Morning
#3: Breed
Your dog’s energy level also depends on their breed. Of course, it wouldn’t make sense to compare a Shih-Tzu to a Belgian Malinois.
Bigger breeds tend to have more energy. This is especially true of the herding group and sled dog breeds as described by AKC.
Herding dogs were bred to (as the name suggests) herd large droves of livestock.
The job description entailed trotting across acres of land. Can you imagine being on the move all day?
And they not only kept the animals in check. They also protected them. That’s a lot of work if you ask me.
Now enter the sled dogs.
This bunch did not pack light. They had a musher (the driver of a dogsled) and cargo. And they had to pull both, running nonstop for miles through harsh weather conditions.
If you haven’t yet watched the Disney+ film Togo, make it a priority this weekend.
Sure, movie studios have a lot of creative liberty. But these images could very well have been the reality for sled dogs. What they had to endure was extreme.
A marathon is challenging enough. But try to picture someone doing it while dragging a sled. There’s no way they’d make the finish line.
It shouldn’t be a cause for wonder then. The likes of Huskies and German Shepherds are brimming over with energy.
Put them in a domestic setting and whoosh! They’re madly dashing all over the house.
The breed can certainly be a factor behind why your dog is hyper in the morning. But there’s more you need to consider. For example…
#4: They need to go potty
Large breed or small, your dog will need to relieve themselves in the morning. And unfortunately for dog parents of large breeds, the results are also large.
Some owners have had their dogs since they were pups. If you’re one of them, you’ve definitely thanked your lucky stars for bladder control.
Your dog stopped waking you up at ungodly hours to pee. They can finally hold it in till the morning. What a good dog!
But goodness, bladders, and bowels all have their limits.
You might be taking too long to bring your dog outside. And this makes them restless trying to hold in their pee and/or poop.
But here’s an interesting factoid from the AKC:
Even a good poop can send some canines running around in circles.
So if going potty doesn’t calm your dog but even makes them more hyper, you know why. It was a good poop.
You might also want to check out: 14 Weird Reasons Why Dogs Lick You In The Morning + 7 Tips
#5: Hyperkinesis
We all call it hyperactivity. But the technical term for ADHD in dogs is hyperkinesis.
The second part of the word uses different letters of the alphabet. But both essentially mean the same thing.
A quick recap of elementary physics: the word kinetic relates to energy in motion. And that’s exactly what a hyperkinetic pup is – in motion.
According to animal behavior scientist Dr. Rebecca Ledger, the term ADHD has been worn out to refer to a hyper dog. But from a clinical standpoint, real hyperkinesis is actually a rare condition.
As echoed by a study, certain breeds just have higher energy levels. Or it comes down to a particular dog’s training or behavioral issues. But not every dog we think of as hyper is clinically hyperkinetic.
Rare as it is, though, hyperkinesis is very real for some. Vetericyn lists the following symptoms:
- Distractible.
- High energy.
- Impulsiveness.
- Unable to pay attention.
- Hyperactive (lots of fidgeting and movement).
In particularly bad cases, a dog may:
- Be overly attention-seeking.
- Become aggressive or snappish when stressed out.
- Poorly socialize with other dogs leading to more anxiety.
- Be hard to train due to their distractibility and nervous energy.
As overused as the word is, your dog could be among those rare pooches who have the condition. If you suspect they are, it’s best to get them checked.
A formal diagnosis can be reached after several behavioral and physiological tests.
If dogs without hyperkinesis can be hyper in the mornings, then all the more the dogs with it.
#6: Zoomies

If you want to define zoomies, look no further than its other self-explanatory name, FRAPs.
It stands for Frenetic Random Activity Periods. And that’s precisely what they are.
These random bursts of activity are most commonly seen in your dog “zooming” back and forth.
It’s their way of releasing pent-up energy.
This can build up during periods of restraint and inactivity. Such as when your dog was in a crate. And – you guessed it – when they were asleep all night.
So when they wake up in the morning, it’s go time!
#7: Diet
Have you ever seen a kid eat too many sweets? That sugar high looks very much like zoomies.
Dogs can also get hyper after having too much sugar and carbohydrates. Among other things, Dr. Karen Becker advocates for avoiding food and treats with any type of sugar.
Dogs, she says, have a sweet tooth. Much like their owners. And pet food manufacturers are capitalizing on this.
Aside from sugar, protein could also be causing hyperactivity in your dog.
PetMD stresses its importance. It does a lot of good for your dog. It offers so many benefits aside from being a major energy source. But in some dogs, it may give a little too much energy.
This link between protein and hyperactivity has not been firmly proven. But owners should consider this and consult with a vet regarding their dog’s protein intake.
If your dog is hyper in the morning, you might want to check the nutritional content of their breakfast.
#8: Boredom
You’re bored of this reason, aren’t you? It’s given for practically everything a dog does wrong.
But your pooch is a highly intelligent creature. They need to be mentally stimulated or physically engaged.
If you’re too busy to play with your dog, they’ll be sad. But they’ll move on – on to the hallway for another mad dash. And all throughout the house, they’ll go.
My condolences for the decor that got knocked off the shelf. And the lamp that got whipped off the corner stand by their tail.
A dozen dog trainers on YouTube have probably told you this already. But it’s worth repeating. You need to redirect your dog’s energy to something healthy and productive.
Further reading: Dog Suddenly Being Destructive: 7 Reasons + 10 Proven Tips
#9: Reinforced behavior
Let children be children, so the saying goes. In your case, it might have been, “Let pups be pups.”
It melted your heart, didn’t it? When your little ball of fluff first greeted you excitedly in the morning. Perhaps you dwelt a little too much on that.
Don’t beat yourself up about it, though. You’re not alone. It’s hard to resist the power of The Cute Side. We’ve all given in to some extent.
Such a tiny thing bouncing around your bed and licking your face. You didn’t consider they’d grow to weigh several pounds (kilograms).
Bigger. Heavier. And a lot more energy-packed!
Or more likely, you considered it. I know I did. But they were just too adorable!
Master Yoda warned Luke Skywalker, “If once you start down the cute path, forever will it dominate your destiny.” (That’s what he said, right?)
But as wise as he was, Master Yoda forgot that nothing lasts forever. To further convince you, here are some tips:
How can I calm my dog down in the morning? 3 tips
#1: Music therapy

It’s a very simple way to calm your dog. But a review of 9 studies on music therapy in canines has concluded that it’s effective.
Exposure to classical music, in particular, was found to have a calming influence on dogs.
If you’re one of those people who like to start the day with Mozart, this is great news. But if you made a face when you read the words “classical music,” hang in there.
Another study has found that dogs actually prefer soft rock and reggae.
Oh, those classical compositions with incredibly long titles. And numbers in them too!
You were scratching your head wondering which one you were going to play for your dog.
But you can relax. Just as though you were at the beach. Sun on your skin. Sand at your feet. And your dog digging up what could hopefully be a treasure chest.
It’s a great day at the beach!
That’s probably the feeling reggae evokes for dogs.
But if you’re neither a fan of the beach nor reggae, soft rock might be more to your taste.
Besides, there’s no rule that says you can’t play Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight” for your pup in the morning.
So get working on those playlists!
#2: Physical exercise
The problem is that your dog has too much energy. The solution is to expand it in non-destructive ways.
So you haven’t yet done your workout for the day. That’s alright. It doesn’t make you likely to run around the house like crazy.
But your dog is a different story.
You need to get rid of that energy. Proper exercise like a walk or some intense physical activity are the way to go.
There are owners who upload videos of their dogs going through obstacle courses in their backyards.
If you had such a setup, you wouldn’t be having a problem with a hyper dog. And you wouldn’t be here reading this.
So I think it’s safe to assume you and I are in the same boat. We’re only dreaming of obstacle courses in our backyards.
Until those dreams become a reality, it’s the regular (but very effective) activities for us: long walks and fetches.
And these are very important in the morning when your dog is fully charged. You need to drain that 2% or 3% of their battery.
When you get back home from the park, they’ll be calm and well-behaved. Then you can scribble away on your journal while they nibble at a chew toy.
#3: Mental exercise
It’s impossible to keep your dog engaged every waking minute. You can’t be playing tug all day. My friend’s mom can verify this.
She works from home whenever there’s a spike in COVID-19 cases. Some months ago, during a Zoom meeting, she held a tug rope out of view while the pup tugged to their satisfaction.
But that little pup is now a sizable German Shepherd who can yank her out of her seat. In short, it doesn’t work.
But there is something that can be done.
PetMD recommends mental exercise and gives a few suggestions:
- Teaching new tricks – these will require your dog to focus and work through frustration.
- Treat dispensing puzzle games – these make your dog work for his food and turn mealtimes into brain-teaser times.
- Games that incorporate nose work, like “find it” – these force a dog to tap into his senses in a new and challenging way.
- Shaping game with a clicker – shaping involves breaking down the behavior you want them to learn into smaller steps that build toward it. This encourages your dog to think creatively and try new things.
Interesting fact: It’s easier to tire out a dog through mental exercise than physical exercise.
So if you want to reclaim the sanity of your mornings, start working out your dog’s brain. You won’t only have a calmer pooch but a smarter one too!