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13 Reasons Why Your Dog Suddenly Pees On You + 5 Tips

Why Is My Dog Peeing On Me All Of A Sudden

Out of all places…

Your dog chooses to pee on you without a warning.

This ‘warm unexpected present’ could make you feel so confused.

And think, “What makes them do this?

And how can I stop this behavior?”

Read on to learn:

  • Whether canines are doing this on purpose or not.
  • What does it mean if your dog suddenly pees on you.
  • Why small puppies and old dogs are prone to this behavior.
  • 5 simple tips on how you can put an end to this peeing dilemma.
  • And many more…

Why is my dog peeing on me all of a sudden?

Your dog pees on you all of a sudden due to a territorial instinct, raging hormones, excitement, jealousy, boredom, anxiety, or separation issues. It could also be a result of a lack of bladder control – common in puppies. Other reasons include medical conditions, injury, or arthritis. 

13 reasons why your dog suddenly peed on you (or tried to pee on you)

#1: They’re being territorial

“You’re my cup of ‘pee’!”

Does your pooch urinate on you with a raised leg all of a sudden?

This may look like a house training issue. But the truth is…

Your dog could be ‘marking’ you as their territory.

“What?? Why’s that?”

Being territorial is a common trait in most canines. Although some can be more possessive than others.

Dogs who are like this will guard things that are important to them. And because you’re their favorite human. Plus, you’re a crucial source of care and food…

They’ll likely ‘mark’ you as well. And this is called ‘scent or urine marking.’

Your pooch could be feeling insecure towards their surroundings.

Like if there are dogs around you. Or they have a conflict with other Fidos or pets in the house.

I know you may have mixed emotions right now. Because although it sounds flattering…

It isn’t really a nice way to be ‘marked.’

So you might wonder, “Why do they use pee?”

It’s because of the pheromones.

These are chemicals that hold a lot of info about a dog.

Say their gender, age, and current mood. And experts say that these are found in their urine.

So this explains why canines like sniffing others’ pee. To know who’s been in that place and who claims the area.

#2: They have a surge of hormones

Is your pooch still intact?

If this is new behavior and they’ve been also acting weird lately, they might be in puberty.

Intact males will urine mark and may go crazy. Especially when there’s a female canine in heat nearby.

But female dogs who are in season can also hump their plush toys. And mark things too. 

They do this to find a potential mate. Because their urine could also tell others about their reproductive status.

“When do dogs hit puberty?”

According to a study, this usually happens between 6 to 9 months old in males. And around 6 to 16 months in females.

While other giant breeds might take longer. Say, 12 to 24 months.

Interesting fact: Did you know that male dogs can also ‘lie’ through urine marking?

Research found that small canines tend to raise their legs so high while peeing. To the point where they almost fall. So that they would look taller to other dogs based on the traces of their urine. 

#3: They’re jealous

You’re playing with another dog. Then suddenly, your pooch tries to pee on you.

“What’s happening?”

It could be that your dog’s feeling ‘jelly’.

They’re jealous of the attention that you’re giving to someone else – especially other dogs.

So they ‘mark’ you to tell others, “Keep off my human.” And they pee on you all of a sudden to grab your attention.

There might also be an odor of another canine on your clothes or skin. So they’re trying to mask it with their scent.

“Can dogs be jealous?”

Yup. One study shows that canines can indeed feel this emotion.

Researchers discovered that dogs showed jealous behaviors when their humans interacted with someone.

So aside from dogs, they might also pee on you while you’re busy talking to another person.

#4: They’re anxious

Your Dog Suddenly Peed On You Because They're Anxious

Does your pooch get nervous a lot?

If so, their nerves might be the root of this behavior.

We, humans, also have the sudden urge to pee when we’re anxious. Say, before having a presentation or a job interview.

And just like us, dogs may urinate too due to so much stress. Because their bladder isn’t relaxed.

So it contracts. Then the spasms create more urine which urges them to pee.

Most dogs are scared of sudden loud noises. Like sirens and gunshots.

While some canines might feel nervous around strangers. Or if they’re being confronted by an aggressive dog.

Changes in the surroundings can also trigger anxiety in dogs. As well as inconsistent routines and rules.

Because think about it.

Your pooch is used to being walked and fed during certain times. And they’re starting to feel secure and accustomed to it.

Then suddenly, their routine changes. So now, they don’t know what to expect in their day anymore.

#5: They don’t want you to leave

You’re about to go outside the house.

But right before you open the door, you feel a warm sensation at your feet. And it’s your dog’s pee.

“Why do they do that?”

Departures may also stress dogs who are so attached to their humans.

Your pooch probably knows that you’re leaving them alone. And just the thought of it makes them panic.

So they pee out of stress. Or they do it intentionally to get your attention.

Either way, canines who display such behavior might have ‘separation anxiety.’

And VCA says that dogs who have this will also show other signs, such as:

  • Drooling.
  • Shivering.
  • Destructive behaviors.
  • Excessive vocalizations. 

#6: They lack confidence

Another possible reason is that your dog pees in submission.

“To me? Why?”

You might have accidentally raised your voice at them. Or you’re having a loud argument with somebody.

And if you have a naturally fearful pooch, they could pee on you as a way of appeasement.

It’s like they’re telling you that they surrender and they come in peace.

Vets say that canines who had a tough past are prone to submissive urination.


Your dog may also be sitting on your lap or beside you when a stranger suddenly approaches them. And they’ll pee if they see any threatening actions, like:

  • Staring.
  • Moving fast.
  • Approaching/leaning too close.

#7: They’re still young

Did your small puppy pee on you?

If so, it could be because they’re still young.

Puppies can’t control their bladder well. So they might do it everywhere – even on you!

“How long can they hold their pee?”

It’ll vary per age. To get this, PetMD says that you have to add 1 to your pup’s age in months.

So, a 3-month old dog might pee after 4 hours at most.

Note: Don’t fret much. Puppies may outgrow this behavior as they grow older.

#8: They’re super excited

They're Super Excited

When aroused, some dogs might also lack control of their bladder. And they don’t even know that they’re peeing.

This is likely the reason if your pooch greets you or other visitors while taking a leak. Either in dribbles or a rushing stream.

As they’re so excited to see you or meet new people (if they’re social).

#9: They have a medical condition

Dogs might also have less control of their bladder due to an illness. And some of the common reasons are:

  • Diabetes.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Urinary tract infection or UTI.
  • Adrenal gland issues (e.g., Cushing’s and Addison’s disease).

Because of this, your dog may start leaking urine. Or have trouble containing their pee during bedtime.

And they could also display other signs, like:

  • Straining to pee.
  • Blood in their urine.
  • Drinking water frequently.
  • Having a foul-smelling odor.

#10: They have mobility issues

It could also be that your dog finds it hard to move and go outside. So they peed on you by chance.

“What are its causes?”

This might be a result of an injury or a bone disorder. As well as joint pains due to arthritis. Especially if you have a senior Fido.

Canines who are in pain and have trouble moving may also:

  • Not poop for days.
  • Groan or cry if picked up.
  • Lick their paws excessively.
  • Keep looking at their rear end.
  • Kick their hind limbs suddenly.

#11: They have a weakened bladder

Does your dog often pee on you while walking?

Or if you share a bed, do you also wake up with wet patches on the sheets?

If this is your case, your pooch might have urinary incontinence.

“What is it?”

This is common in older females. And vets say that it’s mostly due to urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence a.k.a. USMI.

Wherein dogs have weakened urethra muscles. This is why they can’t stop their urine from leaking.

“How do they get this?”

This can be caused by:

  • Spaying: earlier than 6 months.
  • Genetics: medium to large breeds.
  • Heavier weight: weighing above 45 lb (20 kg).

Note: According to a study, dogs with a spinal injury may also develop incontinence. Both in urination and defecation. 

#12: They have canine dementia

Canine Dementia

This new behavior could also be a sign of a neurological problem.

Same with humans, older dogs might suffer from dementia or memory loss as well. And your senior Fido may forget housetraining.

Also, study shows that canines can feel more anxious because of this. This is why they’re prone to urine marking.

And some dogs might also become withdrawn and stay in the corner. While others may become clingier all of a sudden.

#13: They’re bored

Lastly, one famous philosopher said that,

“Boredom is the root of all evil.”

Well, peeing on you might not be that evil. But, it’s still unpleasant.

And this could be because your dog has nothing to do all day.

So what will they do instead?

They may develop undesirable behaviors. Like stealing your belongings or chewing on things (e.g., your shoes).

As well as peeing on you out of nowhere. Because this instantly gets your attention.

How to stop my dog from peeing on me? 5 tips

#1: Curb their scent marking

Peeing is an instinct in dogs. Either due to sexual maturity or for claiming territories.

So you can’t fully remove this behavior. But…

You can manage it.


Take note of these things:

Exercise them daily: This is to release tension and pent-up energy. As well as to avoid boredom.

Do obedience training: Teach your dog some basic commands. Like sit, down, and stay. This will help boost their confidence. As it’ll give them a sense of achievement.

Distract them: When they’re about to pee (raise their leg or squat), throw their favorite toy. Toss some treats. Or ask them to do a command.

Settle conflicts at home: Properly introduce your dog to the new member of the family. May it be another canine or animal. As well as avoid having loud arguments that could scare them.

Note: Is their marking excessive? If so, consider spaying or neutering your dog at the right age. Studies show that neutering certain breeds below 6 months old are at risk of bone problems. So have your Fido checked by a vet.

#2: Build their confidence

Submissive urination is driven by fear and anxiety. So unlike in urine marking, you can’t stop it by simply distracting your dog.

“What do I have to do then?”

  • Have a consistent routine.
  • Praise good behaviors: Avoid rewarding or petting them after they pee in submission.
  • Speak in a soft voice: Talk in your best ‘dog-directed speech’ to prevent your dog from being afraid.
  • Avoid threatening behaviors: Don’t stare at them for so long. Approach them from the side. Then squat down instead of bending over to them.
  • Socialize them: Slowly, expose your dog to new things. Say, meeting people while walking. Then reward them if they sit or settle down around strangers. Do this until they learn how to be calm.

Note: For severe anxiety, do the next step right away.

#3: Call the doctor

Call The Vet

Monitor your dog closely. Then take notes of the other signs that you notice – if there are any.

You know your dog very well.

So you might be able to tell whether peeing on you was intentional. Or it’s a mishap that your pooch wasn’t even aware of.

If it’s the latter, consult a vet at once to know if there’s a medical condition involved. So that your dog will be given the right medications.

Whether it’s for UTI, kidney issues, anxiety, or joint pains.

Note: If your dog has an injury or incontinence, try putting on a dog diaper on your pooch. It can effectively absorb discharges. Plus, it’ll also keep you and your house pee-free.

To learn more about dog nappies…

Check out these articles: What to do when your dog is in heat and bleeding? & 11 Home Remedies For Dogs In Heat

#4: Housetrain your dog

Puppies will need frequent trips to the toilet.

So if you have a small pooch (e.g., 5 weeks), place a potty pad near their spot. Do this so they won’t have to go outside.

And when they’re around 12 to 16 weeks old, experts say that you can start their housetraining – officially. As dogs in this period are already able to control their bladder.

How to do it?

  1. Make a regular schedule for potty breaks. This is to help them learn that they need to relieve themselves during those times.
  2. If you have time, take them out every 30 minutes or 1 hour. If not, preferably at least 30 minutes after meals and playtime. As well as every morning and daytime naps.
  3. Feed them dinner early – like every 5:00 pm. Then ensure that they already pee before bedtime. 

#5: Keep your composure

Lastly, stay calm around your dog. And avoid doing things that can trigger their peeing.

This will help anxious, attention-seeking, and excited Fidos. As you’ll be able to steady their nerves.

What to do? 

  • Reward them using treats: Give them snacks instead of petting them. As physical touch may lead to excitement urination.
  • Avoid scolding or punishing your dog: This is after they peed on you. Because they’ll only be more scared. And you might reinforce the behavior instead.
  • Have calm greetings: This is before departures and after arrivals. Avoid speaking to them in an excited manner. As well as rushing to them for a hug or pet. And ignore them until they settle down.

People also ask:

What does it mean when my dog is peeing on me?

If your dog is peeing on you, it means that they’re being territorial, jealous, anxious, bored, or excited. But if they’re also acting weird, there might be something wrong in their body.

They may be marking you as an important resource. Especially when there are other dogs around. Or they couldn’t control their bladder due to anxiety or excitement.

Dogs can also do this to seek attention. However, they could also be:

  • In pain.
  • Sexually frustrated.
  • Have a health issue.
  • Suffering from dementia.

Why did my dog pee on me while I was sleeping?

Your dog peed on you while you were sleeping because they might have been anxious at that moment. Or they have trouble holding their pee at night.

Canines can be restless in the evening. And it may be due to external noises that they don’t hear frequently. Or sounds that traumatized them. Such as booming fireworks and loud thunder.

It’s normal for puppies to have low bladder control. But if yours is an adult and it’s a new behavior, this may be due to:

  • UTI.
  • Injury.
  • Arthritis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dementia.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Cushing’s disease.
  • Addison’s disease.
  • Urinary incontinence.

Why does my dog pee on me when I get home?

Your dog pees on you when you get home because they’re excited to see you. Or they have separation problems.

This is common in puppies. As well as excitable dogs. And they urinate due to an adrenaline rush.

It’s also possible for anxious dogs to lose control of their bladder. Especially when they see their human after hours of separation.