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Can dogs eat Kibble Dog Food? [Side effects – Benefits]

People’s mass migration into cities, having a busy schedule, makes humans fond of cooked, heavily processed, low quality, convenience foods like kibble.Can dogs eat Kibble Dog Food?

Unfortunately, many pet owners serve the same food to their companions. Humans and pets are experiencing the same health repercussions as a result.

Can dogs eat Kibble dog food?

Like humans, dogs are more resilient and can eat certain things their bodies were not designed to eat.

Note that some of these foods are toxic to dogs and can lead your furry friend to severe health issues.

Kibble food is not considered healthy and safe for dogs. In this video, we will briefly discuss the ramifications of feeding kibble to dogs. 

Side Effects of Kibble for dogs:

Buying dog food

1. Contain Highly Processed Ingredients

The kibble goes throw the high-heat process. Many of the beneficial nutrients in kibble are lost during this process and replace with flavor enhancers and synthetic nutrients. 

As a result of this process, many of acrylamide and other carcinogens are created that might lead your dogs to long-term health issues.

2. Contain Diseased Animal Meat

According to pets and vets, expert certain kibble food contains diseased animal material and meat ingredients, often from non-slaughtered animals with no disclosure requirement without considering the safe process.

Many pet food ingredients are from rendering plants (Rendering the processing methods of sanitizing otherwise putrid, inedible animal by-products, and animal waste). Consuming such products lead your dogs to severe health issues.

3. Contain rancid fats

During the process, the kibble food is sprayed fro preservation. Once you open the food bag, The start to go rancid, which can destroy the essential nutrients like vitamins.

Rancid fats cause malnutrition, hair loss, diarrhea, kidney and liver disease, reproductive problems, and even cancer and death. 

4. Contain High-Starch and Carbohydrate

The majority of kibble is made up of contents that contain a rich amount of High-starch and carbohydrates like Hybrid corn, potato, wheat, and rice.

Also, many Grain-free kibbles often contain a rich amount of starch.

The high-starch and carbohydrates often creat stressful insulin, glucagon in the body, which leads to pet obesity and can lead diabetic dogs to severe health conditions

5. Low Moisture food

Kibble causes dehydration in dogs because of the food low in moisture. Dehydration can cause loss of appetite, reduced energy levels and lethargy, Panting, Sunken, dry-looking eyes, Dry nose and gums, Loss of skin elasticity.

6. Bacteria Risk

dry pet food often contains bacteria and mycotoxins; also, the risk of storage mites multiply rapidly in the dry food.

Pets eat dry food that can develop hypersensitivity, itchy, inflamed skin, hair loss, and ear infections.

7. Contains Artificial Flavors, Colors, and Chemicals

Kibble foods for dogs contain a rich amount of flavors, Colors, and Chemicals; therefore, this is not the healthiest choice for your dog. Certain artificial flavors and colors cause health problems in dogs. 

Why people feed kibble to dogs?

Can dogs eat Kibble dog food? “Many pet owners are feeding kibble dog food to there dogs. The only benefits of kibble are convenient, easy to feed, and low cost.

You can easily store it and travel with it. But remember, for some comfort of your self, you push your furry friend to severe health issues. 

The benefits of Kibble dog food is very less as compared to side effects. So we are not recommended kibble for dogs.

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