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How do dogs get mites? 7 best Home remedies

The tiny creature mites burrow into the dog’s skin and cause severe irritation and inflammation. These parasites are responsible for several health conditions in dogs. So how do dogs get mites?

In the article, we will let you know about the causes, prevention, symptoms, and treatment of mites in dogs. You can use the table of content for smooth navigation.

How do dogs get mites?

Mites are a common health concern for dogs. Mite infestations that cause skin irritation are known as mange.

These little parasites usually live in the coat and mainly mites in dogs ears, making uncomfortable and irritating your furry friend’s life. The parasite is a lead cause of several skin illnesses.

Types of dog mites:

Almost any dogs can face these parasites, but not all are problematic. Suffering from this parasite is as common as cold in humans.

However, certain types of Mite infestation can lead to skin issues and severe irritation, and possibly hot spots in dogs. There are four times of mites infestations in pets.

1. Otodectes cynotis: 

The Otodectes cynotis usually occurs in the Ear of the pet. A black or brownish-red crust can indicate these crab parasites in the pup’s ear.

2. Sarcoptes scabiei:

The Sarcoptes scabiei, also called canine scabies, burrows into the skin. They not like to maintain itself on the upper coat surface.

3. Cheyletiella : 

Cheyletiella also called walking dandruff, maintains itself on the coat surface rather than burrow deep.

4. Demodex Canis:

These types of mites are common in almost every dog. They generally Live in hair follicles. Demodex Canis mostly cause the demodectic mange.

Causes of Mites in dogs:

Dogs can pick up mites from many places. The leading cause of mites in dogs is they can pick it from other dogs, and from beds, carpets, tables, and other pets.   

Symptoms of Mites in dogs:

Symptoms of Mites in dogs

How do I know if my dog has mites? Below are the signs and symptoms of mites in dogs.

  • Excessive scratching
  • Excessive licking
  • Dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Stinky ears
  • Severe irritation
  • Red skin or inflammation.
  • Scaly or crusty skin
  • Discomfort in the ears.
  • Shaking the head.
  • Lesions on the elbow and ankles
  • Visible black read doted (Possibly mites)

Diagnosing mites in dogs:

  • Some symptoms of mites in dogs are common as for other skin problems, so self-diagnosing will be tough.
  • If you notice that your canine is continuously licking, biting, or scratching themselves, then you need a closer look at the fur and ears of your pet.
  • The best person to diagnose the parasite in your pet is your vet. He/she can easily find out the reason for irritation and confirm the type of mite your puppy is suffering from.
  • To confirm the presence or absence of the mites in dogs, your vet will perform a series of skin tests by observing a piece of skin under the microscope.

Treatment of mites in dogs:

In most cases, the treatment of mites in dogs is straightforward. You can quickly get rid of your canine from the parasite by just using a safe anti-parasitic wash or Anti-parasitic shampoos. Below we are listing some of the best anti-parasitic for dogs.

  • In some cases, the removal of parasites needs proper treatment, and you will need to show the patient because the treatment might take time.
  • Your vet may prescribe some medication for the problem.

Best Mite shampoo for dogs:

Below we are listing best shampoo for dogs mite.

  1. Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Antiparasitic & Antiseborrheic Medicated Dog Shampoo
  2. RenuPlex Medicated Dog Mange Shampoo
  3. BEXLEY LABS Curaseb Benzoyl Peroxide Dog Shampoo

How do you prevent mites on dogs?

As we all know, prevention is better than cure.  Follow the below steps to prevent your canine from mites.

  1. The very first and best way to prevent dogs from mange is to protect your pet come into contact with a pet who has the parasite.
  2. Protect your puppy from the place if you know another contaminated dog is already staying there.
  3. Protect your puppy from unfamiliar dogs. Because you don’t know about that dog has mites or not.
  4. Keep clean your dog’s bed and surrounding whether or not there are symptoms of mange before and after the treatment to reduce the risk of getting mites again.
  5. Make sure regular grooming and keep the fur-trimmed if necessary.
  6. Select a grain-free food that will boost your doggie’s health and will help strengthen their immune system.
  7. Keep Clean your dog’s ears and watch with ear cleaner once per month. 
  8. Also, if your dog has mites, protect other dogs too to avoid contact with your canine.

Home Remedies for Dog Mites:

Home remedy is the popular first aid and permanent treatment weapon for many diseases. When veterinary treatment does not work for dogs, pet owners often search for a home remedy to get rid of dogs’ mites.

Below are some of the most popular and proven home remedies for dog mites.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar is used for many skins and other health issues. Such as hot spots in dogs and skin illnesses. Apple cider vinegar is also good to get rid of mites on dogs. The reason for killing the mites is the acidity of the vinegar. (Best Apple Cider Vinegar)

How to use Apple cider vinegar for dogs mange mites?

  1. Use the apple cider vinegar in diluted form. The vinegar will work for mange when applying typically.
  2. Oral use will not work for mites. Please take a little amount of diluted vinegar, apply it to your dog’s coat or add it to the warm bathwater.
  3. Remember that: Using a large amount of vinegar on the skin might lead your pet to irritating and itchy skin.

2. Olive Oil:

Olive oil is considering one of the proven home remedies for dogs mange mites. Some owners have had success in treating localized mange in pets with olive oil (Best olive oil for dogs).

Can dogs eat olive?

This is important to remember that the olive oil will work for the minor mange problem. It may smother any mites present and will keep tour doggie skin moisturize.

The olive oil for dogs might not work for severe body infection and worse presence of mites.

How to use Olive oil for mange mites in dogs?

  1. Take a small amount of olive oil and apply a thin layer of the oil with your fingertips by wearing gloves to the affected areas of your dog’s skin.
  2. If your dog ingested a small amount of the oil by licking will not harm. However, if you empty the complete bottle on the pet coats, it will create an enormous mess all over your home.
  3. Also can lead your pup to stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea when ingested.
  4. The biggest problem you’ll have is preventing your dog from licking the oil from the body. You can use a dog cone to prevent your dog from licking the body.

3. Aloe Vera extract:

Aloe Vera is also one of the suggested plants by pet owners for treating mites in dogs. The Aloe vera extract helps to soothe many skin problems.

Such reduces the itchiness and irritation of the skin, hot spots in dogs, and getting rid of mange mites. The Aloe vera extract suffocate mites living on your dog’s skin and kill them.

The Aloe Vera plant also has antibacterial properties that prevent puppies from skin infections.

How to use Aloe Vera for dog mites and skin problems?

  1. Before applying the Aloe Vera to your dog’s skin, remember that Aloe Vera extract is toxic to dogs, so you need to prevent your dogs from liking their body.
  2. A dog e-collar dog cone will help you to protect your puppy from licking. Ingesting the extract can lead your pup to vomit, diarrhea, and in rare cases to muscle tremors and depression.
  3. Apply a thin layer of the Aleo vera extract on your dog’s skin once or twice a day and continue for up to a week. This home remedy will only work for localized mange infections.

4. Honey:

All of us are well aware of the benefits of Honey. Can dogs eat honey?

Honey works like a charm to prevent and get rid of mange mites on dogs. The reason is that honey contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that combat infections.

The thick nature of the honey suffocate mites and will likely smother the mites living on your dog’s skin.

How to use honey for dogs mange mites and skin problems?

Apply a small amount of honey. Don’t apply too much. Because it will make your dog stickier, and dirt will easily be attached. Another problem is that your dog will develop continuous licking.

5. Yogurt:

Can yogurt be used for dog mites? Yes, Yogurt is another proven home remedy for mange. Slather the yogurt on the affected area can help to get rid of the mange.

Yogurt is full of naturally occurring probiotics, so ingesting by licking will not harm your dog.

How to use Yogurt dogs mange mites and skin issues?

  • Slather a small amount of safe plain, unsweetened yogurt on the mites affected coat of your dog. What kind of yogurt is safe for dogs?
  • Do not use yogurt for pups suffering from systemic mange.

6. Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is considering one of the best home remedy for dogs mange. The acidity of the lemon juice will kill the mites, and its antiseptic properties will also help eliminate bacterial and fungal infection.

How to use lemon from dogs mange mites and skin issues?

  • Applying topically one or two lemon juice in about 1 litter warm water can help eliminate mange in dogs.
  • The use of Lemon juice can cause skin irritation, so if you notice any of the obvious irritation, wash your dog’s skin with plain warm water thoroughly and avoid the use of lemon.

7. Garlic :

Ingesting Garlic is toxic to dogs. So this home remedy is not considered safe for dogs. However, the garlic paste works like a charm for dogs to mange mites.

Use an e-collar dogs cone to prevent your dog from licking the garlic on the skin.

How to use Garlic for dogs mange mites?

Make the paste of garlic or add some garlic paste to the water and make a spray and apply directly to your dog’s affected areas.

Remember: Home remedies work differently on different dogs. And in some cases, your furry friend gets more harm than benefits, so use the home remedy with care and precautions.

Best E-Collar dogs cone:

Use these E-Collar dogs cones to protect your dogs from licking.

  1. BENCMATE Protective Inflatable Collar for Dogs
  2. Supet Dog Cone Adjustable Pet Cone