Humans like Olives on a salad or in a martini, But can dogs eat olives? Yes, In their natural state and a small amount, olives are safe and harmless to dogs. But there are some risks and precautions that you should know about before feeding olive to your puppy safely. Can dogs eat olives? There …
Lettuce is one of the most popular options for a human meal around the globe. But can dogs eat lettuce? In general, yes, some types of Lettuce are safe and non-toxic for your dogs. These types including romaine, arugula, and iceberg lettuce. They contain 90 percent water, low-calories and fat, and no harmful ingredients. Remember …
Humans have used coconut oils for centuries as health supplements and aid humans in many ways. For example, it can boost the immune system, reduce body weight. The oil also has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties and improves cognitive skills in patients with Alzheimer’s. But what about how much coconut oil is for dogs? According to some …
Honey is a great blessing of God which is chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and reported to have a wide variety of medicinal properties. But Can dogs eat honey? In general, honey is safe for dogs to eat with a few precautions to be aware of. It can help support optimum health in your …
Cinnamon is one of the most popular food snack for humans. But Can Dogs eat Cinnamon? According to ASPCA, Cinnamon is safe for dogs, cats, and other pets, when feeding in moderation and lees amount. Overfeeding and serving in a wrong way can cause health issues like hallucinations and high heart rate in dogs and the same …
Cauliflower is among one of the many healthy vegetables that could be an excellent addition to your regular pet diet. Remember not all vegetables are safe for canines. Can dogs eat cauliflower? According to vet and pet experts, a couple of bites would be enough for puppies and a little more for dogs. Overfeeding of …
Pears are a delicious and healthy snack for Humans, but Can dogs eat pears? can we share this delightful fruit with our dogs? Yes, pears are healthy treat for your puppy when serving correctly and in moderation. Make sure its consumption should not be abused. dogs love to eat pears, and some dog foods products …
Watermelon has made of 92 % water and having plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for humans. But Can dogs eat watermelon? Yes, but with some of the precautions. Watermelon contains vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for your dog’s health. However, overeating can cause serious health problems. So It’s essential to know about …
Cherries are one of the most popular and likable fruit among humans.But Can dogs eat cherries? No dogs shouldn’t eat cherries. Unfortunately, cherries are from those foods that are toxic for our furry friend to eat. The fruit is a tasty snack for a dog, but not all fruits are safe for our pets. Before …
Question asked by thousand of dogs lovers can dogs eat Asparagus? The answer is Yes, but you have to be careful, why? Asparagus is a beneficial vegetable that contains vitamins and minerals however, Asparagus is a portion of very healthy food for humans but it is also fit for dogs. But before feeding Asparagus to your dog, you …