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Why is my Dogs eye Swollen? 10 Cause – Blepharitis in Dogs

Swollen eyes or Blepharitis in dogs is a medical condition that refers to the inflammation and swelling of the eyelids and can affect one or both eyes. In Blepharitis, the canine eye or eyes looks Swollen, puffy, red, and itchy. Dogs’ swollen eyes can make the owners worry So Why is my dogs eye swollen? 

In this article, our experts will let you know about all the possible aspects of a dog’s swollen eyes, and Blepharitis in Dogs includes causes, treatment, and prevention.

Why is my Dogs Eye Swollen?

Dogs’ eyes swilling, also known as Blepharitis, is a medical condition in which one or both eyes of a canine suffer from inflammation, swelling, redness, and irritation. In this condition, your pet will squint or blink spasmodically and will often scratch or rub the eyes that some time leads to secondary trauma. The swelling usually occurs in the dog’s eyelid and covers the whole eye of the canine, and leads a dog to severe itching, redness, and even blindness. 

Swollen eyes in dogs may be caused by many reasons. Some are consider minor and can be treated with medicine, while most of them require an immediate veterinarian checkup for proper medical attention care and even surgery.

Below we are mentioning the possible causes of Blepharitis in dogs.

Causes of Blepharitis and swollen Dog Eyes:

Blepharitis in dogs

1. Allergies:

Almost every dog can suffer from eye Allergies. Eyes allergies are just like seasonal allergies in humans. If your canine is suffering from some sort of eyes allergies, You may notice redness, inflammation and swelling, and irritation in one or both eyes of your dog.

2. Foreign Bodies:

As like with we humans, a little foreign particle in our eyes leads us to severe eye itching, redness, tearing, and pain. Among the leading causes of eye redness and swelling in the pup’s eyes is the presence of foreign bodies.

If you observe redness or swelling in your pooch eyes, gently look for the environmental particle and gently remove it by yourself or seek your vet’s help. 

3. Insect stings OR Eyelid Injury:

Injury and insect stings can cause swelling and inflammation in any part of the body. If you observe a sudden dog’s swollen eyes, it may be caused due to the Insect sting or Eyelid injury.

4. Conjunctivitis:

In medical terms, Conjunctivitis is known as inflammation and infection of the conjunctiva tissue, similar to the lining of the mouth and nose. The Conjunctiva membrane is a layer of epithelial cells that contain mucus-secreting cells which cover your dog’s eye and eyelids. 

Conjunctiva is the shield and protective barrier against infections and other foreign particles. Any disturbance to these membrane layers in the form of infection or inflammation can cause Conjunctivitis. In Conjunctivitis, the canine eyes become inflamed, red, itchy, and swollen.  

Read more about Conjunctivitis in Dogs.

5. Glaucoma:

Glaucoma refers to an eye disease in which the IOP (intraocular pressure) within the eye increase  pressure within the eye, produce aqueous fluid and causes damage to the retina and the optic nerve.

This eye condition can cause swollen eyes, redness, and other eyes problems.  Research shows that 40% of dogs affected with Glaucoma end up blind in the affected eye within the first year. Glaucoma requires proper and immediate treatment, and even surgery is performed in difficult situations.

Read more about Glaucoma in Dogs.

6. Cryptococcosis:

Cryptococcosis is a fungus that causes fungal infection in both humans and pets. This fungus is mainly founded in the soil, mostly spread by birds, especially pigeons, and often enter the body by inhaling with the nose.

Cryptococcosis may affect the respiratory tract (especially the nasal cavity), central nervous system, eyes, and skin. Besides other problems, Cryptococcosis can cause discharge from your pet’s nose and eyes, which leads to eyes redness and swelling by continuous eyes scratching and rubbing.

7. Corneal Ulcer:

Corneal Ulcer usually occurs due to the severe corneal erosion of the entire epithelium and into the stroma. The eyes of a dog that suffer from a corneal ulcer will look cloudy, swollen red, and inflamed. 

Read More About Corneal Ulcer in dogs.

8. Lacrimal Duct Obstruction:

The lacrimal duct is part of the nasolacrimal system, which consists of a series of narrow tubes that allow tears to drain from the eye. When the Lacrimal duct becomes obstructed or blocked, it causes overflowing of tears from the eyes.

The increase of tears can lead to moisture and tear staining below the eye, which badly affects the lower nasolacrimal duct and can lead a canine to visible effects, eyes inflammation, and redness.

Read more about Lacrimal Duct Obstruction in Dogs.

9. Congenital Abnormality:

Congenital abnormalities are known as inherited or birth defects and abnormalities present at birth. The congenital condition affects many of the body organs in humans and pets. 

According to research, Commonly reported congenital and inherited defects in dogs include cryptorchidism, neurologic defects, eye defects, heart defects, skeletal muscle defects, and hip and elbow abnormalities.

Some eyes conditions are considers the congenital and Blepharitis can be one of this. 

Read more about Congenital Abnormalities in Dogs.

10. Melanoma or Eyes Tumor/Cancer:

Melanoma is a type of eye cancer that develops from the disorganized uncontrolled proliferation of melanocytes cells. These cells are found in many body tissues skin, eye, inner ear, bones, and heart. In the eyes, these cells are usually found in the iris.

Uveal melanomas or uveal tumors arise from the iris or ciliary body and fill the eyes and cause severe inflammation and swelling. Cancer is fatal, a research shows almost 6 million dogs a year are diagnosed with cancer you can see for the Steps To Take After Your Pet’s Cancer Diagnosis in the below mentioned infographic.

Read more about Melanoma in Dogs. 

Graphic created by PetCure Oncology.

Symptoms of Blepharitis in dogs :

  • Swollen and Inflamed Eyes.
  • Severe Itching.
  • Puffy and Red eyes.
  • Squinting and Blinking.
  • Rubbing and scratching eyes.
  • Discharge from the eyes.
  • Presence of Boggers.
  • Cloudy Eyes.

Treatments For Swollen Eyes In Dogs:

Treatment of any medical issue among humans and pets depends on some factors include the cause and stage of the health issue, age, and overall health condition. Treatment of swollen eyes in dogs depends on the diagnosis of the problem. Since there are so many possible causes of swollen eyes in dogs, so to start the treatment, your vet will first diagnose the actual cause of Blepharitis.

Some swollen eyes may require minor treatment, and your pup will recover just by using some medication such as eye drops and other antifungal or Antibacterial medicine. However some will be more serious and will require proper veterinary care medication and even immediate surgery.  

How to prevent your canine from Blepharitis?

prevent your canine from swollen eyes

Some health issues can suffer your dog At any stage of life  Preventing swollen eyes in dogs isn’t always possible, but the only thing we can do to prevent our canine from irritating eyes problems such as Blepharitis and other eyes problem, we need to take care of our lovely pet and need to follow proper hygiene tips. This will help to lower the chances of suffering. 

  • If your canine is a history of eyes problems, make sure to use irritant-free eye drops cleaner for dogs to keep your pooch eyes clean from the irritants that cause inflammation, infection, and swollen eyes. 
  • Don’t try self-medication if you notice reduction or swelling in your canine eyes. It may be due to any allergies or fungal infection. Contact your vet to diagnose and administrate some medicine.  
  • Especially take care of your pup while playing outside or inside the house. The risk of falling foreign particles is high while playing. 
  • If your canine is rubbing or scratching the face, gently look into the eyes and look for any foreign particles and symptoms. Gently remove the particle or contact your vet for help. 

Dog Breeds mostly expose to Blepharitis:

Conclusion: Blepharitis in Dogs

If your dog’s eyes are swollen, you should proceed with caution. It’s important to take them to the vet right away. Some causes of dogs swollen eyes may be minor and can be treated with medicine, while others such as Blepharitis require an immediate veterinarian checkup for proper medical attention care and even surgery.

Treatment of any medical issue of Canine depends on some factors include severity, underlying cause(s), infectiousness, prognosis (chance of recovery), ability to withstand treatment time without additional complications, etc.

If you have any question please let us know in the comment section below!


What do I do if my dogs eye is swollen?

Dogs’ swollen eyes, also known as Blepharitis will need proper hygiene routine and veterinary treatment. The causes of swollen eyes are many some of the condition could be treated easily just by proper cleaning of the eyes by using eye irritant cleaner drops while some condition needs proper veterinary treatment. If you notice swelling in your puppy eyes, the best idea is to contact your vet to diagnose the actual cause of the illness and to treat accordingly.

How do you treat a swollen eye on a dog at home?

Treatment of Swollen eyes in dogs at home may or may not be possible because the swollen eyes in dogs (Blepharitis) can be caused by many reasons. If your pet eye is swollen due to insect sting or fallen foreign particle, you can treat it at home by just gently removing the particle or by using eyes cleaner drops for dogs; however,  many of the conditions that lead a puppy to Blepharitis needs proper medical attention, care, and even surgery and can not be treated at home. 

Why is my dog’s eyelid swollen?

Swollen Eyelid in dogs medically called Blepharitis can be caused by many reasons. Some of the possible reasons for dogs swollen eyelids are:

  • Allergies
  • Insect Sting
  • Eyelid Injury
  • Presence of Foreign Particles
  • Glaucoma
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Corneal Ulcer
  • Lacrimal Duct Obstruction
  • Melanoma or Eyes Tumor
dog's eyelid swollen

Should I worry if my dogs eye is swollen?

Yes, dogs swollen eyes is need to be concerned because swollen eyes in puppies can be caused by many reasons. In some conditions, your canine can be recovered easily, while some may put your canine in severe condition and can even lead to blindness. So we suggest, if you notice any unnatural change in your pet’s eyes, contact your vet for timely diagnosing and treatment. 

Can I give my dog Benadryl for swollen Eye?

Benadryl is used for many health issues in dogs. The medication is mainly used for some eyes allergies. If you want to give Benadryl to the dog for swollen eyes, we recommend you to first contact your vet to diagnose the actual cause of the swelling and don’t give Benadryl by yourself because the self-medication is harmful and can lead your pup to severe health complications. 

Red more about How Much Benadryl is safe for Dogs?