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10 Reasons Why do dogs put their ears back?

Dogs are unable to talk and can’t convey their messages as we do. Dogs’ body language is the key to understanding many emotional and behavioral intentions. Besides other body part gestures, the reasons behind dogs’ ears state more challenging to understand. Many pet experts believe that dogs’ intentions can be determined by observing their ears. Why do dogs put their ears back? 

The state of your dog’s ears can change based on their emotions and intentions. In many situations, this is hard for the pet owner to observe the body signals of their furry friend. This article will provide a comprehensive guide about the intentions behind dogs ears position and why they hold and put their ears back. 

Why do dogs put their ears back?

Dog’s level of attention can be determined by observing its ears and other body position. Dogs may put their ears back or hold back against their head when they give emotional signals such as feel sadness, anxiety, fear, Appeasement, danger,  or Courting. Besides some other reasons, certain behaviors may also lead your pup to put their ears back, such as seeing strange people, mailmen, animals, or to protect themselves. Some pet experts believe that dogs often hold their ears back when they adopt a defensive or attacking position. 

Reasons Why do dogs put their ears back?

Why do dogs put their ears back

1. Anxiety or Nervousness:

Nervousness leads humans and pets to certain body behaviors. Nervous dogs can develop many-body gestures such as sticking the tongue out, chasing the tail, yawing, painting, and Putting their ears back against their head. 

Common sign of Nervousness in Dogs:

  • Chasing Tail
  • Put ears back
  • Barking or howling
  • Cowering in the corner
  • Sticking of the tongue out
  • Shivering and trembling
  • Excessive licking or chewing
  • Frequent urination
  • Digging and Nibbling

Learn how to protect your dog from Nervousness

2. Fear:

A fearful dog can be identified by its body language. According to pet experts, there are certain signs that indicate that your canine is in fear, such as howling, hiding, lowered tails, pulled ears to the back, trembling, (Learn why do small dogs tremble?) licking, and avoiding eye contact.

If you notice your canine ears back, try to sort out the reason and help your canine if the cause is fear. 

Sings of fear in Dogs:

  • Lowerd Tail
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Hiding and Growling
  • Pacing and Panting.
  • Back ears
  • Shaking and Trembling.
  • Excessive salivation
  • Licking and chewing lips
  • Whale eye

Learn how to protect your dog from Fear

3. Attention:

Human attention can be judged by their facial expressions; however, a dog’s attention can be judged with their body gestures. Dogs often hold their ears against the head when they want to give attention to the owners or other family commands.

4. Aggression or Hyper Activity: 

If you notice a dog holding ears back, then you need to be careful. A dog’s flat ears to the back indicate aggression and may harm you. You can also observe the canine aggression with other signs such as growling, bristling fur and barking, etc.

Signs of Aggression in Dogs:

  • Low range barking
  • Growling
  • High Tail
  • Holding ears erect or back
  • Snarling

Learn How to stop aggression in your Dog?

5. Depression and sadness: 

You may have often noticed different behaviors of your faithful companion when he feels sad or depressed. Besides other symptoms, a change in the dog’s ears is a sign of sadness. 

Sings of Sadness in Dogs: 

  • Low energy level
  • Loss of interest
  • Floppy or flat ears
  • Avoid Eating
  • Increase in the sleeping duration
  • Excessive Licking

Learn How to help a depressed dog?

6. Sense Danger: 

We all are well aware of the sens power of dogs. However, many times Dogs can sense danger that we are not able to sense. Some puppy behaviors such as whining, moving in circles, continuous barking, and change in the ears state are signs that your dog is senses the danger.

7. Relaxed state:

Canines can develop certain body gestures in both ways, either need to be concerned or consider a positive signal. A relaxed dog may also develop many behaviors that you may also notice in other situations. For example, some experts believe that the flat ears to the head are the signs that your puppy is relaxed and comfortable.

8. Courting: 

According to pet behaviorists, male dogs develop many behaviors and gestures while courting female dogs to accomplish their desires, and vise versa. The movement of the ears could be the sign of dogs courting.

9. Insects or foreign body in the Ear:

Some times presence of Insects or foreign body in the puppy Ears irritate your pooch badly, and they develop certain behaviors to give some comfort such as rubbing the face with the ground or other objects, head shaking, rubbing ears with paws and continuously changing ears positions, such as putting the ears back and down ears.  

Learn How to remove foreign body from dogs ears.

10. Ears Infection: 

Ears Infection are painful and irritating and put your canine to nasty experience. Ears infection leads a canine to some of the obvious behaviors such as holding the ears back, rubbing the face with paws and ground. 

Learn about how to treat Dogs eat infection

Why do dogs put their ears back when you pet them?

Happy dog in glasses

Dogs feel comfortable and sometimes uncomfortable when you pet them and can develop certain gestures to show you that I am enjoying or feel annoying in the situation. Putting the ears back while you pet your canine is a signal of joy or discomfort. There are certain spots in which dogs more enjoy being petted, such as the chest, neck, belly, and shoulders. However, petting some spots makes the dogs annoying, such as on the mozels, eyes, legs, and other private parts. 

Why do dogs put their ears back when happy?

A happy dog enjoys a lot and develops certain behaviors to express its happiness. When you notice dog ears back while playing, it indicates that your puppy is happy and enjoying the movement. Other behaviors of happiness in dogs are, pawing at you, zoomies, putting ears back against the head, and wagging tails.