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What is MSM for dogs? (Methylsulfonylmethane) Complete Guide

Methylsulfonylmethane is the scientifically name of ( MSM),  MSM is a natural and organic form of sulfur that is produced by sea plankton. So what is MSM for dogs?

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is also known as dimethyl sulfone, DMSO2, methyl sulfone, and many other names.

What is MSM for dogs?

MSM for dogs, means the use of  Methylsulfonylmethane in production for dog supplements. The creation of the supplements done with chemical process in manufacturing labs.

The MSM supplements are well known for the pet joints health.

How is MSM formed?

When the microscopic phytoplankton (Microorganisms) dies In the seas and ocean, they decompose and release a specific type of gas called Dimethyl sulfide (DMS).

After the Addition of oxygen and sunlight, some compounds are formed includes DMSO, MSM and other common sulfates.

MSM will settle in the soil after the complete water cycle. These compounds are then transferred to growing plants; fruits, nuts and vegetables and has also been found to occur in cow’s milk, meat and different types of seafood and thus reach to living organism through food chain including pets.

MSM Benefits for dogs

MSM benefits for dogs
  • MSM supplement is Essential for supporting and maintaining the development of healthy cells, including body tissue and joints.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane helps to decrease the cell pressure and help to create permeable walls, which allowed water and nutrients to flow in and push the toxins out.
  • MSM for dogs allergies: MSM acts as an antioxidant which improves the resistance to any allergies.
  • It is a Joint Healer and is highly beneficial for the joint health of your dog.
  • MSM is mainly used for pain with arthritis in older dogs.
  • It Can Help Prevent Neurological Diseases because it can help the movement of blood to the brain and help to prevent and repair.

MSM Side effects for dogs

MSM Side effects for dogs

No Doubt that (dimethyl sulfone) MSM supplement has many benefits for your dog.

But improper medication and self-medication can lead your pup to severe health issues. So always ask for your vet first.

Some of the Common side effects vets observed associated with MSM are.

How to give MSM to dogs?

Taking dosage of the Methylsulfonylmethane depends on the size and health condition of your pup.

Vets recommend 50 to 100 mg of MSM per 10 pounds of the dog body weight. Always give any medication after the recommendation of your vet.

Do not overdose your puppy with the supplement.

Giving correctly and the correct amount will help to reveal any pain due to joint illness’ such as arthritis.


What is MSM for dogs? Methylsulfonylmethane),  MSM is a natural and organic form of sulfur that is produced by sea plankton.

Adding a few supplements or chews to your dog’s diet will add health benefits to your furry friend. However, giving in the wrong way may harm your dog.


Is MSM good for dogs?

Yes, Giving of MSM in the right way when needed is good for your dogs. MSM is a natural and organic supplement mostly used for dogs suffering from a joint illness like arthritis.

Methylsulfonylmethane can also help in reduce inflammation cure allergies, remove toxin from the cells etc.

However, improper medication of medicine can put some adverse effects on your dog.

Can I give my dog human glucosamine with MSM?

No, Human glucosamine is not safe for your dog. The reason behind is human glucosamine, and chondroitin contains artificial sweeteners like xylitol or other sweeteners which can be extremely dangerous for your puppy health.

It can lead your furry friend to a severe health issue. MSM with glucosamine can cancel the benefits of MSM and increase the risk for your dog.

Does MSM make dogs sleepy?

Generally, there is nothing found in the MSM, which makes dogs sleepy. However, giving the supplement in a wrong way may lead your dogs to diarrhea and weakness in the result your dogs may feel sleepy.

So this is very important to know the correct dosage and feeding ways of the Methylsulfonylmethane to dogs.